A place where you can breathe in and create

The camel is the distance and the will to overcome it. The desert is a focused calm thought. The camel and the desert are life and the limitless universe.

In the beginning, we were alone. We felt insignificant, unimportant, invisible. Then we realized we could create together. The time has come. Time to take off the invisibility cloaks, to connect, to support each other.

The world needs two perfectly balanced movements. A forward movement and a sideways movement. Like the bloom of a lotus. We’re always rushing somewhere and missing the resting points. The moments to breath in and out, to settle. The moments when everything settles.

Creativity allows us to look at the wreckage of a life that used to be and knead it into a new shape. Creativity is the life spring that shields us from breaking, as it becomes the very source of our inner strength. Its technical name is post-traumatic growth.

No one has the right to deliberately hit another being and no one should face life bumps alone. As one reassembles the life, there is a need for enough time, enough support, and enough evidence to verify that it is possible to fly again.

Creative souls perceive the invisible and can see the unimaginable. But they can also feel desperately alone. If they stop creating, they wither away. We are weaving a net that will help rock the ups and downs.

There is a difference between solitude and loneliness. In loneliness we wither - not only in mind or spirit, but also in body. Humans are tribal beings dependent on a touch. Touch is, along with food and water, the thing that we desperately need to survive and grow.

Due to the constant work pressure, chase for a success and cool career, we forget the most important thing. Who we really are, what we really want, what we really desire. On the surface, it’s what the system wants. To break through the crust of this artificial armor, to scatter and discover the true core – only few have the courage to do that.

Over the years, we have deepened our abilities to care, to love and to cooperate. The time has come to join forces. The world needs us. The desire for fame, power or money is not what drives us. We are driven by the dream of making ourselves, others, and the places where we work happy. The dream to preserve hope for those who come after us.

Building a tribe

Our wish is to encourage other creative people. We dream of a world full of creativity and beauty, where violence and peril lose their power. We put our hands to work and create a community. A tribe. A network that will hold, cradle and help those in need to rise with dignity. Our creative home is Maříž.

With the first rays of spring sun, we will invite you to all various meetings, lectures, talks about creativity and resting points.

Breathing out words

We create, thus we are. And we believe you create, thus you are. We are happy that you are. From time to time, we send letters by a silent e-mail. Letters to make a connection. What we write, that is or will be. Most of it is yet to happen.

We connect people and light the way

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